School Board

Board Members

Valerie Varadi  - Zone 2

Vice Chairman
Starr Olsen - Zone 4 

Ben Hoskisson - Zone 3

Rick Bingham - Zone 1

Wyatt Weber - Zone 5

Board Clerk
Sarah Shaw

Regular Meetings

  •         Regular meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM (unless otherwise posted).
  •         All Meetings are held in the Conference Room at  Dietrich School.
  •         Special Meetings are also called when necessary.
  •         All meetings are open to the public.
  •         State law permits the Board to go into executive sessions to discuss personnel, negotiations, property, or legal matters.
  •         No vote on any item may be taken in the executive session.
  •         Board agendas are posted at the Dietrich School District at least 48 hours before a regular meeting and 24 hours before a special meeting.


Board of Trustees

The Dietrich School Board is the policy making body of the school district, establishing the principles that govern the daily operation of the school system.  Each of the five trustees represent specific geographic zones in the district.  Individual members have no authority to act on their own but meet as a board in a formal session.  They receive no salaries or benefits and are elected to a four-year term.

School Board Trustee Zone Map
School Board Trustee Zone Map Descriptions


Addressing the Board

Meetings of the Board of Trustees follow a standard, published agenda.  The Chairman of the Board presides at all meetings.  Patrons who wish to comment on agenda items may do so by filling out  Policy Form#4105F  Request to Address the Board, located at the entrance to the meeting room.

Public comment on items before the Board is encouraged.  The Board's function is decision-making, and sentiments of the patrons assist in making those decisions.


Board Packets


The community, parents and non-parents, are encouraged to attend school board meetings.   The board offers numerous opportunities for patrons to serve on advisory committees and participate in policy making decisions.

Privacy Law and Employees' Rights

The rights of employees, students and others are protected by various laws and policies.  At a public meeting of the Board of Trustees, no person shall orally initiate charges or complaints against students or individual employees of the district.

All complaints, concerns or challenges regarding a specific school or individual should be registered first at the building level with the appropriate teacher or principal.  Experience has shown that this is the best procedure.  The Board is the final level of appeal.  All concerns, if presented to the Board directly will be referred back to the building principal or Superintendent for investigation.